Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Day for the whole family!

Today Brooke and I had a SNOW DAY!  And, Matt left for work and the roads were very slippery, so he turned around and came home.  We had a good morning, we had a pancake breakfast.  Then, Brooke and daddy went out and got wood for a fire in our fireplace.  It burned all day long!  Then, we played games and went outside for a little bit.  It was bitter cold and the snow was too hard to build a snowman.  For lunch we had ham and pineapple (which she calls "porcupines"...we have no idea why she gets pineapple and porcupines mixed up!).  It was delicious (the ham came from Matt's work) and then we made cookies for dessert.  In the afternoon we tried to get Brooke down for a nap, but she had so much energy and would not calm down!  So, we "rested" and watched Toy Story.   We then played more games, played hide and seek and did puzzles.  We played all day long pretty much...and mommy and daddy are exhausted!!!!  She finally went dowm to sleep at 8:00 tired girl!  Just found out that tomorrow is another SNOW DAY! 

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