Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Outside lights are up!

She was so excited to come home and see Daddy putting up the lights outside!  She was in AWE!!!  This is going to be the BEST Christmas for her yet!!!

Plaster Playhouse

Over Thanksgiving break we got together with Aunt Pam and the girls.  We went to Plaster Playhouse for the first time, only a few miles away from our house.  Marisa and Amanda have been there before, so they showed us just what to do.  It was fun...Brooke picked out a butterfly.  Marisa painted a fish, and Amanda painted a frog.  We will defnitely be visiting again, such a great place to get creative.

I have been good, Santa!

Ha....don't let this picture trick you.....she is a good little girl most of the time, but lately she has been really testing!!!  She says NO and MINE a lot!  We keep telling her Santa is watching...not sure she cares...I guess we have to keep remembering that she is a toddler, and just learning what this Santa business really is all about!

Thanksgiving Day 2010

We had brunch at Papa and Tutu's house, the turkey centerpiece Brooke made in school.  I brought craft paper for Tai, Marin, and Brooke to make a "I am Thankful" tree.  Brooke said she was thankful for Grandma, Grandpa, Papa, and Tutu. After we left from there we went to Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter's house for turkey dinner.  It was delicious.  Then, in the evening we went to Aunt Pam's house. Brooke enjoyed playing with Marisa, Amanda, Sam, and little Alexa.  Pam is a childhood friend of mine, and I know we will be FRIENDS FOREVER...we have been through every up and down together!  We had a wonderful day and feel so blessed with family and great friends.

Thanksgiving Eve

We went to Kensington's Thanksgiving Service last Wednesday evening.  Before the service we enjoyed a meal together with Shawn and Daniel. Derica was not able to come.  We are so thankful for our friendship...we love you Shawn, Derica, and Daniel. 

Oh so thankful for this little girl!

Thank you for visiting Brooke's new blog.  We are excited to think she is almost three years old, yet amazed how fast time has flown by!